
npm version

Package to help you run one time migrations into your Elasticsearch DB such as Creating an index, inserting master data etc.

Note: This package is still in active development, use it in production with caution.

What it does

Two indices will be created in your Elasticsearch instance.

Example: nodejs_migrations, nodejs_migrations_lock

One for storing the migration file names that already ran, other for updating a lock if the migrations are running currently, to avoid duplication of migrations in a muliple instances scenario.

How to use elasticsearch-migrate

Assuming the below project structure

├── src
│  │──db
│  │  ├── bootstrap-db.js
│  │  ├── es-client.js
│  │  ├── es-migrations
│  │  │  ├── 01-create-index.js
│  │  │  ├── 02-update-schema.js
│  │  │  ├── 03-update-again.js
│  │  │  └── 04-update-4.js
│  │──index.js

With below file contents


import { bootstrapDb } from './db/bootstrap-db';


db/es-client.js Exports the Elasticsearch client instance

import { Client } from '@elastic/elasticsearch';

export const client = new Client({
  node: process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_HOST


import { migrateLatest } from 'elasticsearch-migrate';
import { client } from './es-client';

export async function bootstrapDb() {
  await migrateLatest({
    indexName: 'documents_migrations',
    directory: __dirname + '/es-migrations'

Read more about the input given to migrateLatest below

interface MigrationConfig {
   * Name of the index in which the migrations
   * have to be stored/read.
  indexName: string;
   * Path to the directory in which migration
   * files are present
  directory: string;
   * Elasticsearch Node.js client instance
  client: Client;
   * Timeout to wait until the migration
   * lock is released.
   * Default: 60000
  migrationLockTimeout?: number;

db/es-migrations/01-create-index.js Example Migration file

export async function migrate(client) {
  await client.indices.create({
    index: 'new_index',
    body: {
      mappings: {
        properties: {}

The exported function must be named migrate for the migrations to run.

Once the above function is executed succesfully (as-in the Promise is resolved without error), a record with the filename will be inserted in documents_migrations, and will be skipped execution in future as it is present in the index.


Error | Reason | — | — | MigrateFunctionImportFailedError | If importing migrate function from migration file fails. Only CommonJS modules supported as of now. | MigrationLockTimedOutError | If the migrationLockTimeout value is exceeded. Default: 60000 ms. If you don’t have muliple instances and still the issue araises, try releasing the lock manually | MigrationFileMissingError | If a record with migration file name exists in migrations index, but not in the given migrations directory. Check if you have accidentally deleted a file in the directory | MigrationRunFailedError | If an error is thrown by a migrate function while running it. Use try/catch blocks to narrow down the issue.

Inspired by knex-migrations (https://knexjs.org/#Migrations).